A cubicle in the V1th form room in the courtyard.
The windows of the Music room looking out on the front terrace. 1990
A corner of the Music/Assembly/large Dining room.
David Martin at the back of the Bio. lab.
Swimming pool and Botch's palace. John Gartside on left.
The wood panelled Common room. 1990
A group of old scholars in the courtyard. Sept.1990
A birds eye view of the courtyard. 1990
A view of the entrance to the courtyard and the Science labs. Grace Hindle, Belinda Swift, John Swift, Roger Gerhardt entering the courtyard. 1990
The mounting block and Junior school. 1990
A view of the courtyard and Science labs. 1990
A courtyard view.
A view of pupils on the playing field in front of the building.
At dusk. 1990.
At dusk. 1990
The entrance Hall. 1990.